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  • In 2013 the internationally acclaimed Chinese calligraphy master Wang Dongling created a 2.5meter wide and 30-meter long calligraphic work of art as a gift to City University of Hong Kong The painting hangs down the nine floors of the imposing
  • This installation was a singular contribution to the larger multimedia performance Cloud Theatre: Shanghai Odyssey, a confluence of projected images, videos, urban sounds and a dance theatre that took place in the large domed Shanghai Cement Plant
  • ... ‘re-making’ Confucian li is relevant today as an important alternative system of knowledge,...
  • The Infinite Line proposes new modes of spectatorship in the performance of poetry. In the tradition of Oulipo, the ‘workshop of potential literature', this interactive installation gives visitors the opportunity to recombine the poetic ensemble of
  • Marchive
    The authors developed mARChive using the AVIE 360-degree stereoscopic interactive visualization environment. For this project they selected eighty thousand heterogeneous digital records of objects from Museum Victoria collections, out of a total
  • ... sacred and secular, monumental and everyday—that transmute from one to another above them....
  • ...REAMS REWIRED traces the desires and anxieties of today’s hyper-connected world back more than a...
  • Kayak Libre -
    Kayak Libre provides a temporary experimental infrastructure in the form of a kayak taxi service along the waterways. The fare is a conversation. (Scource:
  • SMART CITY ABC aims to decode a territory that has produced a specialist vocabulary, in order to promote acessibility to the debate. The vision of the ‘Smart City’ was introduced by some of the largest tech corporations to address population growth,
  • Faceless -
    The FACELESS Project interrogates the culture of surveillance by redeploying authentic CCTV images recorded in London, the most surveilled city on Earth. These images are heavily inscribed by laws relating to privacy and freedom of information, and