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  • On Broadway -
    Interactive application and a public installation commissioned by New York Public Library for its exhibition "The Public Eye" How does a "data city" look like? We did not want to show the data in a conventional way using only graphs and numbers. We
  • Interactive web app for exploring a dataset of 3200 Instagram selfie photos shared in 5 global cities, and separate visualizations of these photos created with custom software. Source: Lev Manovich
  • SelfieSaoPaulo -
    A site-specific project for a media facade in Sao Paulo, Brazil, for the 2014 SP_Urban Festival. Together with Moritz Stefaner and Jay Chow. The project develops further the ideas from Selfiecity published early in 2014. For SelfieSaoPaulo,
  • Real time comparative visualization of Instagram images as they are uploaded from Taipei and New York created with custom software. Taipei Phototime captures and displays new Instagram images in real time. Two streams of images, one from Taipei and
  • Over a few days in February 2014, a revolution took place in Kyiv, Ukraine. How was this exceptional event reflected on Instagram? What can visual social media tell us about the experiences of people during social upheavals? If we look at images of
  • Computer-driven media installation, custom movie generating software, database of video clips, variable configurations. Source: Lev Manovich
  • Computer-driven media installation with variable narratives and spatial configurations. Source: Lev Manovich
  • Freud-Lissitzky Navigator is a computer game prototype; a software narrative; a tool to navigate through 20th century cultural history; an experiment in developing analysis of new media that uses the very forms of new media (in this case, computer
  • Little Movies -
    "Little Movies" is a lyrical and theoretical project about the aesthetics of digital cinema, and a eulogy to its earliest form--QuickTime. The project began in 1994 when the World Wide Web was just beginning to gain mass exposure. Manovich's
  • DeadPlanetFine* -
    DEADplanetFINE* #interactive #mouseover #animations DEADplanetFINE*, is an Orwellian web 1.0 retro-renaissance remixology project consisting of looped animated mouseover gif-film-crawls. DEADplanetFINE*, are animated acid humorous