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  • The World Generator / The Engine of Desire (1996-present) marks an expansion of Seaman's work into the realm of virtual environments. Seaman collaborating with the programmer Gideon May authored a complex virtual world generator that enables
  • Room of One`s Own -
    ROOM OF ONE'S OWN (1993) forces the viewers eyes to become immersed into the actual space of a tiny articulated interactive electronic peep show. A stainless steel box placed at eye level with movable periscopic viewing device bridges the
  • conscious love -
    The installation was conceived for the art show 'amour et conscience', Paris, 1999 (Atelier Sévigné, 9/9/99 - 9/12/99). It consists of three parts: Five curtains, representing consciousness, digital word-picture-prints on
  • small fish -
    "Well! I've often seen a cat without a grin, but a grin without a cat! It's the most curious thing I ever saw in all my life." Bewilderment similar to that of Alice in Wonderland will be expressed by anyone attempting to concisely describe the
  • "Footprint mapping" is an attempt to create a digital map of streets and public spaces by gathering "footprints" of participants of the project.The artist creates DIY style digital mapping system consisting of cheap pedometer(step meter), digital
  • E-Sparks -
    The goal of this project is an audio-visual interactive installation to explore the creative content and suggestions that the artificial life (alife) environments have in their potentialities. The suggestion the Plancton Art Studio wants to
  • In face-to-face communication, the occasional need for intentional lies is something with which everyone can identify. In short, to abide by social norms, we consciously lie. On the other hand, if we consider the signs that our bodies express as
  • “MIC was a male baby with a distinct personality who responded more clearly to a variety of emotions, using voice patterns to make interpretations of emotions. For example, joy (happiness, satisfaction, enjoyment, comfort, smile) was extrapolated
  • Interactive Poem MUSE -
    “"Interactive poem" is a new type of poem that is created by a participant and a computer agent collaborating in a poetic world full of inspiration, emotion and sensitivity. […] A computer agent called "MUSE", who has been carefully designed with a
  • Rome & Juliet in Hades is based on the play by Shakespeare. There are two main characters, Romeo and Juliet, in the story and, therefore, this story supplies a good example of multi-person participation. People have a strong desire to act out the