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  • Time: color - video
    ... in their mathematical and chromatic representations.... different GMT time zone, projects, in a semicircle, the...
  • ComTouch -
    ... haptic technology. Audio and video have been commonly used...
  • ... throughout the space and engage in the manipulation of... human motion, this piece projects many diverse, retinal...
  • ... knowledge dissemination and the ability to convey an... Through these projects we attempt to create a...
  • TellTale -
    ... help youngsters create and experiment with the structure... //
  • ... class 1, to class 1000, and various sizes, ranging from... ...
  • ... desert scene with cacti and rocks and a jungle scenario....
  • ... was developed and presented under the title... mounted camera records and projects each individual’s image...
  • Tracing -
    ... information age. Texts and ambient sounds are... registered through a matrix of motion detection...
  • ... of nomadic culture and its entropic and saturated... is a result of other projects by the artist, based on...