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  • ... by the strains of a Bach cello suite." Anna Szepesi, 1995
  • ... both connected to a cellular data link. This enabled...
  • Avatar -
    ... as a meeting place par excellence of contemporary, where... used in chat everyone chooses to represent... a meeting place par excellence of contemporary, where...
  • Rigid Waves - video
    ... visual echo of one's own movements is...
  • ... inside it or to describe ones representation with the term... Mirror Cells is an interactive installation that turns around our...
  • Your Self Portrait -
    ... of resistance to oneself.
  • ... es una visión que propone una conversación hombre-máquina...
  • ... beauty of decay and nonexistence. In the change of... layered sound cellslevels, residual impulses...
  • ... virtues, fortitude and excellence took place. Why are there... Stark in Game of Thrones cannot be explained with such... fortitude and excellence took place. Why are there...
  • ... animal genes with human ones seems to contextualise an... evolving inorganic cells that would essentially be...