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  • ...ld premier of Stanza’s “Robotica: Control inside the panopticon” at The Victoria And Albert Museum,... of surveillance and tracking in popular culture using, robots, CCTV and sensor...
  • The Rocktown Scrolls are named after the Pennsylvania coalfield “patch” where I grew up dreaming... from a wide range of literature and culture. The passages are written with...
  • House -
    ... a dynamic public sculpture viewable over the internet. House is not a mute memorial to a...
  • ... Foundation, Ámsterdam Acknowledgements: The Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts,... driessens & verstappen e-volved cultures xxwide, 2008 Variable screen. Software for Mac OS X,...
  • The Rocktown Scrolls are named after the Pennsylvania coalfield “patch” where I grew up dreaming... from a wide range of literature and culture. The passages are written with...
  • growth pattern -
    ... piece, a living natural system takes on the form of a manufactured pattern. Leaves are... to promote new leaf growth. Here the cultured leaves are provided with the hormones...
  • ... light– produces biomass and oxygen from the carbon dioxide. The blue light in the aquarium... aquarium. This aerated water feeds an algal culture which –influenced by light– produces...
  • The Rocktown Scrolls are named after the Pennsylvania coalfield “patch” where I grew up dreaming... from a wide range of literature and culture. The passages are written with...
  • Triggerhappy -
    ... accurately reflects, and comments upon, the electronic environment in which we live, work...
  • Passion5 -
    ... sometimes contradictory levels. On the one hand, it reflects political culture in the... On the one hand, it reflects political culture in the early 21st Century, pointing to its...