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  • ... of an installation which addresses my current interests - in the relationships which are emerging between feminism, technology and art. Two major influences when I was growing up were time which I spent in the southern USA visiting family who...
  • Golem -
    ... to do the bidding of its creator, the genesis of the Frankenstein story. The work deals with the issues around contemporary technologies such as Genetics and Artificial Intelligence. Exhibited Cartwright Hall, "Art and Computers", Bradford, UK 1989 ...
  • ... a conversation about environmentally responsible media and a search for more sustainable solutions to power our emerging technologies.
  • Babel -
    ... a metaphor for the infinite nature of information. In Babel the Dewey Decimal system is used as a mapping and navigation technique. The structure of the library is re-mapped into the hyper-spatial that constitutes the Web. The Dewey numbering system is...
  • ... The environments were drawn from natural environments in the Banff area, each "captured" and represented through different techniques. A stand of Hoodoos above the Bow River was captured on video and represented as a tiled dome of still photographs with...
  • Senspectra -
    ... power bus between nodes, also integrates an omnidirectional bend sensing mechanism, which uses a simple optical occlusion technique to sense and communicate mechanical strain between neighboring nodes. Using Senspectra, a user incrementally assembles and...
  • Great Wall of China -
    ... words. All sentences and grammar structures are formed "on the fly" through object oriented and behavioural programming techniques, based on pattern recognition, redundancy algorithms and Chomskian Formal Grammars. Formal Grammars are used at the...
  • I like Frank -
    ... the Dept. of the Premier and Cabinet, Adelaide Fringe 2004, m.Net, SA Film Corporation, Australian Network for Art & Technology and Dept. of Education and Children's Services, with support from Internode, the Arts & Humanities Research Board,...
  • Desert rain -
    ... game logic, Desert Rain can be seen not only as a comment on the war itself, but also as an exposure of the crucial role that technology played within both the making and the viewing of the conflict. Described as a mixture of ‘performance, game, installation...
  • Can you see me now? -
    ... of the mobile phone into the hands of poorer users, rural users, teenagers and other demographics usually excluded from new technologies. Some research has suggested that there is a higher usage of mobile phones among the homeless than among the general...