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  • ... can be re-created in the appearance and disappearance of words, pictures, animations and sounds. Memories (readable with a...
  • EDEN -
    ... species can communicate with its environment. Instead of words they use different kinds of molecular emission. The...
  • EDEN Echigo-Tsumari -, all vegetal species can communicate with its environment. Instead of words they use different kinds of molecular emission. The...
  • Floating Signs II -
    ... a vertical bar of white flickering LEDs. For the viewer, the words and images seem to emerge from the bars, appearing as holograms...
  • ... the visible. The habitual process of seeing is infiltrated by words and icons made of light; they seem to emerge from three...
  • Là bas... -
    ... the audience without providing a grip. From the mix of voices, words, sounds and fragments we hear an indistinguishable murmur, only...
  • fünfnullplus -
    ... image, a vertical bar of white LEDs is inserted; it generates words that seem to hover in the surrounding space for fractions of a...
  • ... exemplary linguistic reference systems. The matrix of light words is complemented with icons, which are likewise generated by the...
  • GFP Bunny -
    ... but on the invention of transgenic social subjects. In other words, what is important is the completely integrated process of...
  • ... 'MotU #8', from the series 'Mirrors of the Unseen', feature words and symbols that seem to float in the space like holograms,...