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  • Mirrors
    ... in London’s Bruton Street is rAndom’s first permanent installation in... ‘pixels’ the distinct freedom and capacity to move around in a...
  • ... are redefined as poly-vocal readings, which de- and reconstruct his...
  • ... how can we verify that the random is random? data.tron[8k enhanced...
  • bug[lab]02 -
    ... dogs in which some punctual and random bugs emerge (this is almost a...
  • ... To Light has been conceived by rAndom international and is made of...
  • ...The Behaviour of Objects is rAndom’s first gallery exhibition in London with...
  • Blast -
    ... their accompanying practices of reading, viewing, and authoring. Blast...
  • ... such as answering emails, reading, drawing, programming, online...
    ... proud to present a solo show by random international. following the...
    ... in New York. ‚PixelShade II‘ / rAndom International 2006 (S.Wood, F....