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  • Exploded Views 2.0 -
    ... the imagery of the work is projected and navigate the continuous image space by... as the sort of places you visit in your sleep at night. It is a dark, nocturnal world that...
  • ... many thausands of kilometers away, live and in close proximity. The clear projection of...
  • ... Duisberg museum visitors became concrete and realistic presences in the Waschkaue, while...
  • ... original architectural, interface and visualization strategies that converge the...
  • ... documentary about a person, identity and gender unknown - a flaneur in the cultural...
  • ...Ventilationsystem for a ShoeArtist: Andrea ZappComment:
  • Little Sister -
    ... cam images with closed circuit television and global surveillance camera sequences, based on...
  • The Imaginary Hotel -
    ...The Imaginary Hotel allowed visitors to occupy and design their ideal room within and fill it with...
    ... Fred Fröhlich, Tjark Ihmels, Paul Sermon, Andrea Zapp
  • ...Der Ausblick aus dem Fenster eines standardisiert eingerichteten Hotelzimmers stellt sich als...