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  • Point to Point -
    ... art work that uses the motion of people in public space to drive an evolving graphic display. The display is projected onto a...
  • Dildomatic Opera -
    ...overing the secrets of nostalgic "circuit bending" it seems that here the drive immediately sadistic turns of its true purpose. The crushing...
  • ... to the prospect of inaccurate visual assumptions that can drive us to understand new possibilities. A piece with pleasing...
  • Sakrileg -
    ... machine succeeds to hold the ball and calms down again, but sooner or later the technology will fail and the ball falls down. ... if the ball comes to close to the surface's edges and drive the motor accordingly. The machine offers the spectacle of a...
  • ... death and location and then triggers an electric solenoid to drive a needle into the wearers arm, drawing blood and immediate...
  • Tree of Knowledge -
    ... with live neurons, or by filling glass tubes with these cells, one can achieve a representation of the delicate structure,... of wood, stone or steel can have a different meaning, and can drive a different response in the beholder. When considering what...
  • etoy -
    ... rejecting global markets and legal systems. Economic exchange drive companies, culture, individuals and politics. By sharing risk,...
  • ERROR 404 502 410 -
    ... its rest position, the disk powers down. A contact microphone is attached to the hard disk drive, recording the mechanical sounds... through the abstract qualities of sound. Onto the disks of the drives I laser etched the 404 502 410 status codes in big Latin...
  • ... the imagery through a meticulous layering of sonic components to produce immense and apparently boundless acoustic spaces.... dimensions. From 2D sequences of patterns derived from hard drive errors and studies of software code, the imagery transforms into...
  • ... meaning. How long and how intensely can people play with one another inside a hybrid environment when they don't have hard,... voice, gesture and body? How do social conventions of play drive experience? The installation version of TGarden functions as...