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  • MovieMovie - video
    ...xpanded cinema performance was specially created for the Experimental Film Festival in Knokke-le-Zoute....
  • ... for Sonsbeek buiten de perken. Besides the Information Pavilion, an air supported...
  • Diadrama
    ... pairs of synchronised slide projectors. The main themes explored in this work were...
  • ...ences of images were created that freely interpreted the themes of Peter Gabriel's song cycle to...
  • Teardrop
    ...r-inflated teardrop hung from a crane and proclaimed the theme of the festival as well as the Javaphile...
  • ... screen in front of a seated audience. The action of the work was controlled by one...
  • ...A virtual projection installation created the illusion of looking through the theatre entrance doors at...
  • ... a pair of loudspeakers. Looking through the opening in the column, the spectator sees a...
  • ...In this installation at the International Art & Science Exhibition a large, back projected... - red, green, yellow and blue rectangular boxes in the corners of the room. When entered,...
  • ... plastic tubing. Extending approx. 30m, these channels run from the outside of the...