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  • Videoschwelle -
    ... (Wiener Festwochen and Galerie Metropol), Vienna (AT) In co-production with Gudrun Bielz The...
  • ... The Hochschule fuer angewandte Kunst in Vienna and the Digital Art Exchange in Pittsburgh,...
  • ... herbst and in the Schauspielhaus in Vienna. The videotapes and the closed-circuit...
  • ZOONE -
    ...Media environment Shown at Amerlinghaus Vienna (A) in the context of the "Computerkulturtage" When the...
  • Wasserzaun -
    ... occasion of La Biennale di Venezia 1995, Vienna 1995.
  • Clockwork -
    ... designed to accelerate the decay of Vienna. The mixing drums are filled with...
  • Eric in Orense v02 -
    ... tea in an airy in-door patio at a lovely hotel called Parador de Ribadeo. Victor: Yes,...
  • ... from 6 to 8 pm on January 31 at the Eventi Hotel’s Bar Basque, designed by futurist Syd Mead...
  • Book of Shadows -
    ... Arts, London, UK, 1996 The Word, Vienna, Austria, 1996
  • ... is kept at the ethnological museum in Vienna. (Photos by Antimodular Research)