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  • ... iconic design, representing the unity and collectivity that Harris also...
  • ... and theaters of war depicts a universe filled with mute violence. The...
  • Workaholic
    ... There are approximately 1500 unique three-character bar codes...
  • Word Play
    ... of words and meaning. © Jeffrey Shaw
  • Wings -
    ... each audience member wear a unique head-mounted display (HMD). The...
  • Wind and Rain -
    A room was densely and completely filled with confetti that was being vigorously blown about by big fans. At one point a live elephant was brought into the room and the not realized intention (because the elephant had a cold) was to paint his belly
  • ... Exhibition awards ceremony. © Jeffrey Shaw
  • ... School of Creative Media City University, Hong Kong Seeking the...
  • ... Each White Cube alpha is a unique fragrance, a new step in the...
  • which---side -
    ... Side' is a version of the union protest song 'Which Side Are You...