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  • A 442 Hz. - video
    ... events. The intentionality of gestures of incoherence and dysfunctionality culminates in...
  • ... an enormous willow tree. Other settings included a maze through pages of the world wide...
  • ... some 36,000 kilometres out in space — an increasingly hertzian environment, where an...
  • A Standard Video -
    ... Anthony, describes in an interview their services, aims and origins. At the same time, the... international standards organisations since 1917. Their press spokesman, Mr. Anthony,...
  • ... A Walk in the City [2016] This video also includes an abstract cameo of one of my oldest...
  • A-Positive -
    ... new breeds of hybrid machines that incorporate biological elements and from these...
  • ... Brain Factory is a multi-layers project including interactive installations, reified...
  • Actuated Workbench -
    ... computer output, and helping to resolve inconsistencies that otherwise arise from the...
  • After Microsoft -
    ... been exhibited as an installation piece, including a projection of the re-photographed view...
  • ... hidden systems in the contemporary city increasingly shape our perception and bodily...