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  • After Microsoft -
    ... Sonoma Valley, California. In the context of this project we have...
  • ... of either air or dark-coloured water. Microcomputer control of... situated in the foyer of the theatre, also allows visitors to the... tubing. Extending approx. 30m, these channels run from the outside of...
  • ... permanently installed in the entrance lobby of the F. Hoffmann -...
  • Alchemy -
    ... discs under computer control colour, silent Alchemy is an... Riches Heures de Duc De Berry. The theme of the book is the alchemical...
  • ... The first room showed the four coloured boxes in a continuous... In this installation at the International Art & Science Exhibition a large, back...
  • All you can see -
    ... almost 17 million different colours can theoretically be... million different colours can theoretically be represented on the...
  • ...Located between the home video and the reality show the work (9 minutes) presents... ride that becomes a sort of nightmare. The music determines the...
  • ..."An Anecdoted Archive from the Cold War" is an interactive CD-ROM and...
  • An Ascent, 7,08’ By mixing colourful abstract light patterns and fragments of... fragments of figurative reality the video aims to visualize a kind of...
  • An Explicit Volume -
    ... by an electronic page turner. The project is sited in a darkened...