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  • ... three different types of data transmitted in...
  • Machine Dreams -
    ... machine (1900), a typewriter (1940), a...
  • Bodies INCorporated -
    ... relationship to it? What sort of psychological... These are the types of questions Bodies©... identity survival games. Initially, the...
  • n0time -
    ... used to create new types of communication...
  • ... anecdote and archetype, diary and legend. ... Internet users worldwide involve Orlando in...
  • Rara Avis -
    ... Internet participants worldwide” (Eduardo Kac,...
  • Little Sister -
    ... links to webcams worldwide, observing private...
  • ... roaches in video games), computer graphics...
  • Laberint -
    ... real and virtual worlds. Commissioned by...
  • Dis-M-Body -
    ... electronic pulses. What is concrete are our... Fictive fluid worlds. Our senses continue...