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  • ... in verschiedensten Varianten loopartig angelegte Musikkompositionen...
  • Autoinducer_Ph-1 -
    ... installation. The installation loops biological, electro-robotic and...
  • ... subversive agendas. The website promoted the sale of...
  • Signals -
    ... into the gallery as an endless looping animation. The resulting...
  • ... displaying pre-rendered video loops or images, but works on the...
  • Tryalogue
    ... is an autistic system, close-looped to endlessly calculate itself.
  • ... mirroring the behaviour in a looped potential that does not cause an...
  • DeadPlanetFine* -
    ... project consisting of looped animated mouseover...
  • ... AL GRANO: Sugar Daddy (looped video installation) In depth...
  • ... inspired by quantum loops. The body is embedded with scores...