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  • Diadrama
    ... synchronised slide projectors. The main themes explored in this work...
  • ... created that freely interpreted the themes of Peter Gabriel's song...
  • Teardrop
    ... from a crane and proclaimed the theme of the festival as well as...
  • ...Points of View was a 'theatre of signs' with both stage and protagonists being... in front of a seated audience. The action of the work was controlled...
  • ... of looking through the theatre entrance doors at fictional... A virtual projection installation created the illusion of looking through the...
  • ... loudspeakers. Looking through the opening in the column, the...
  • ... The first room showed the four coloured boxes in a continuous... In this installation at the International Art & Science Exhibition a large, back...
  • ... 'Z') are primary-coloured light sources that disclose and... and a chair from which the viewer interactively controls his...
  • ... of either air or dark-coloured water. Microcomputer control of... situated in the foyer of the theatre, also allows visitors to the... tubing. Extending approx. 30m, these channels run from the outside of...
  • VR/RV
    ... through a virtual reality (VR) theme park, VR/RV explores the...