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  • ... journey, the focus will be on young people—their troubles and...
  • ... spatial tracking device, can be moved around inside a clear... resemble a theater set. The user interface, a three dimensional...
  • conFIGURING the Cave -
    ... mannequin; this figure can be handled by the viewers to... three walls and the floor. The user interface is a near life-size...
  • Smokescreen -
    ...In Smokescreen a row of smoke canisters along the whole front side of the Swansea...
  • Waterquake
    ... of tubing were dropped into a canal and then slowly inflated with air...
  • ... BABEL hieroglyphs were used to articulate a psychological...
  • ... monument would allow the user to explore an audiovisual database...
  • ... and virtual reality. The viewer can interactively rotate a projected...
  • ... as a server, i.e. clients can connect to and disconnect from it... between adjacent images. The user interface, a modified video...
  • ... the virtual environment. They can meet each other (by accident or... no longer the sole focus of the user's experience, but instead ...