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  • ...Annamaria's Motion in TimeArtist: Tamas WaliczkyComment:
  • ...Children's GameArtist: Tamas WaliczkyComment:
  • ...Animation Number SevenArtist: Tamas WaliczkyComment:
  • ...Self-PortraitArtist: Tamas WaliczkyComment:
  • ... keyboards. All alphabet letters are used to be heard in the same time, all of them are pronounced by male and female artificial voices. The two users can keep quiet or listen to the letter which they want pushing a button; female voice will be...
  • YouTube: time -
    Time in Internet era is a flux of data, instead hands of a clock or sand in a hourglass, beat time is given by the number of informations that we receive and broadcast. Here’s how the characteristic red bar of YouTube becomes a piece of a “digital
  • Explosions in the Sky -
    ...The video is a game between pressures: the atmospheric pressure, the artificial pressure and the digital com-pressure; the result are fragments, material, picture and sound units. The bottom and the top seems fighting but, in reality, this is their material exchange....
  • Avatar -
    The photos are overlaps of avatars (images used in chat everyone chooses to represent themselves) of people i met chatting. I’ve chosen the virtual world of chat as a meeting place par excellence of contemporary, where everyone can put on fleeting
  • Public Messages -
    ... moment of his life. Through these thoughts we can follow either inner events without a significant for us or common events (the earthquake, New Year’s Day, Berlusconi chairman of the Board, Obama’s election, etc…). I’ve typed all these sentences chronologically,...
  • Preghiera -
    ... the “raw” material of this installation, where light is simply the red glow emitted by the optical sensor on each mouse. The artist uses several components hanging at different heights, but all within reach of the user who is invited to join hands around this...