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  • Champs Libres -
    “Champs Libres” is an invitation to a sensory journey in a forest opening onto a clearing bathed in light, in which everyone is encouraged to take a break, to feel, to exchange. For centuries, the landscape has been shaped by human action. In the
  • Babel - video
    BabelArtist: Ruth SchnellComment:
  • This experimental animation approaches Hong Kong’s built environment from the conceptual perspective of celluloid film, by applying the technique of film animation to the photographic image. The city’s signature architecture of horizon-eclipsing
  • Sync
    A circular looping animation projection installation. "(...) the film is based on the idea that there is an underlying unchanging synchronisation at the centre of everything; a sync that was decided at the very beginning of time. Everything follows
  • Interactive computer installation "With the interactive video/computer environment, Body Scanned Architecture, presented at the Venice Biennale, Ruth Schnell explores a classic interface concept between real architecture (from the Hoffmann pavilion)
  • In Origins and Futures, pyrite, a mineral commonly known as “fool’s gold” glimmers with novelty and seduction. Its crystalline structure and reflecting light attracts the viewer’s eye without hesitation. The piece is based on A.G. Cairns-Smith’s
  • Video installation [English title, 'co-distortion'] In the installation 'Co-Verzerrung', the classical game of anamorphosis is transmuted into its own readable universe by means of electronic media. The video projection on the floor shows a
  • COMBATscience -
    Multimedia environment with performative inserts 'COMBATscience' takes the life stories of the German scientist and Nobel Prize winner Friedrich Haber (1868–1934) and his wife, the chemist Clara Immerwahr (1870–1915), as motifs for the development
  • Mixed reality installation 'COMBATscience Augmented' reimagines the 2008 multimedia environment 'COMBATscience', realised in cooperation with Cathrin Pichler in the Volkstheater in Vienna, and transforms it into another sensory setting. The life
  • Stage environment (after Douglas R Hofstadter: Gödel, Escher, Bach) [English title, The MU Puzzle] A media environment was integrated into the stage design of 'Mu-Rätsel', a theatrical production by Hubsi Kramar, shown in the Schauspielhaus Graz as