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  • NSA-USA takes as it point of departure the recent citizen spying scandal emanating from the activities of the National Security Agency. Both American and citizens outside the United States were surveilled and there is disagreement as to the whether
  • Data Murmur - video
    The notable Italian political philosopher Franco "Bifo" Berardi recites a random poem of HTML code twice. First on the left of the split screen the camera maintains its distance allowing the bard to enact the poem, his shock of silver hair melting
  • ... twins and the destruction of one's mate...
  • ... a new form of desiring subject. These...
  • Global Telepathic BroadcastArtist: Warren NeidichComment:
  • In the Mind’s I is a one-on-one performative art work in which Warren Neidich utilizes visual memories of objects and scenarios of participants and a set of presented real objects from which the visitor may choose from to create works of art in
  • In the Mind’s I is a one-on-one performative art work in which Warren Neidich utilizes visual memories of objects and scenarios of participants and a set of presented real objects from which the visitor may choose from to create works of art in
  • Brainwash - video
    ... of the drum has destabilized the actor's...
  • ... with a custom-designed Global Positioning...
  • Fetch-a-Sketch is a larger than life replica of an etch-a-sketch which functions as a familiar yet unique interface to the Internet -- allowing visitors in the physical space to create drawings and upload them to the Fetch-a-sketch website while