Archive Search

  • Check Check Reality -
    ... and to... and to... them as a... and to... and to... them as a... them as a...
  • ... and artist... Leeson ... with local... and artist... with local... of the use of... with local... and artist... and artist... of the use of... Area Women... of the use of...
  • ... and illicit... without... and illicit... without... on the... without... and illicit... and illicit... on the... are... on the...
  • ADA -
    analog interactive installation / kinetic sculpture / post-digital drawing machine
  • ... and artist... Leeson ... with local... and artist... with local... of the use of... with local... and artist... and artist... of the use of... Area Women... of the use of...
  • ... and artist... Leeson ... with local... and artist... with local... of the use of... with local... and artist... and artist... of the use of... Area Women... of the use of...
  • Remote Sensing -
    ...ster, pigment and resin. ster, pigment and resin. ster, pigment and resin. ster, pigment and resin.
  • While Darkness Sleeps -
    ... and... are... and... the process... and... and... the process... are... the process...
  • ... and its... with dead... and its... with dead... the concept... with dead... and its... and its... the concept... the concept...
  • Biota -
    ... and their... humankind’s... and their... that are... the... and their... and their... the... are ancient... the...