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  • Latent State - video
    ...ct was developed during 2009 as part of my MFA thesis at the Design Media Arts department at UCLA. It consisted in the creation of a live cinema...
  • ... containing information about the show and the participating artists. The viewers could navigate within the globe by clicking on...
  • ... Netomatheque was first presented at the San Francisco Art Institute as part of the "Telematic Connections: The Virtual...
  • ... ‘spider’ software would crawl the visible and invisible parts of the Internet and retrieve what was created or modified at these...
  • ...Who the People?Artist: Lanfranco AcetiComment:
  • Public Speaking -
    ...Public SpeakingArtist: Sylvia Grace BordaComment:
  • ...The Re: Dakar Arts Festival project documents an ongoing art scam form. The scammers approach artists and galerists with open calls for a fake...
  • The human cell is still a mystery to us in many ways. We cannot see it with the naked eye, only with the help of powerful microscopes. This Virtual Reality presents an imaginary inside of a human eukaryotic cell, enlarged about 300.000 times to
  • Instant Messaging consists of an ad hoc network - spontaneously created network on top of an existing network - of software generated flies. The software works in a similar manner to a real-time peer-to-peer messaging software. The generated flies
  • Instant Places is a software fiction that creates a networked formed ad hoc to connect dispersed data places. These data places can stretch over multiple computers and also multiple network systems. They are not bound by geography, time and space.