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  • Utter
    a voice recognition and generative grammar interactive installation and performance artwork Source: Simon Biggs
  • Oracle
    a voice recognition and interpretive grammar interactive performance artwork Source: Simon Biggs
  • Bodytext
    ...Bodytext is a performance work that involves speech, movement and the body. A...
  • Tower
    ... listens to and anticipates what is to be said by those interacting...
  • Polymorph
    Polymorph is an interactive immersive environment for two or more interactors. A single structurally complex three dimensional agent is created through the presence and interaction of two or more interactors within the environment. Source: Simon
  • Crosstalk -
    'Crosstalk' is a new collaborative interactive performance work by visual artist Simon Biggs, composer Garth Paine, and dance artist Sue Hawksley. Software development by Hadi Mehrpouya. 'Crosstalk' is for two performers whose movement and speech
  • Glitch Traces -
    Images collaged from screengrabs taken during the development of the 'Crosstalk' project in 2013-14. Source: Simon Biggs
  • Punishment 1 -
    ... wrote and recited a poem that underscores the rhythm of the whip....
  • Der Schrei
    ... cyclical stream of sound that is modulated by the turning of the...
  • ... realized with surprise that the animals were indeed pigeons—...