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  • Fetch-a-Sketch is a larger than life replica of an etch-a-sketch which functions as a familiar yet unique interface to the Internet -- allowing visitors in the physical space to create drawings and upload them to the Fetch-a-sketch website while
  • metaView is a web viewer that displays information contained within the HTML tags which is typically not displayed in regular web browsers. metaView was first shown at the New Media Centre at the Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, UK in 1998.
  • Bad Reception displays an ever changing stream of news related imagery which juxtaposition causes a fluctuating degree of interference. It was originally created for the Terror show at in 2004.
    FLAG METAMORPHOSES A participatory art project - a growing series of Flash animations with many authors. Every animation shows a relation, a connection, an interaction between two (or more) countries. Each animation starts with a flag and ends with
  • Tele-touch
    ...Tele-Touch explores the notion of human touch and telepresence in a computer networked environment. It consists of a jacket equipped with...
  • ... a URL of choice. Jackpot was first exhibited at in 1996.
  • ... the two turnstiles was displayed in real time at
    ...ALIASArtist: Karina Smigla-BobinskiComment:
    click here to enter the project >Perl Programme 
  • Tre
    read concept here