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  • Video shadow play, two single channel animations, a series of lights and eight rotating reverse painted Lexan cylinders, sound, 3 min
  •, 7.40’ The video Bodyfraction parallels microscopic images of fragments of the artist’s body (tooth enamel, skin, nails, hair etc.) with recordings of drawings and light-sensitive objects created on their basis. Drawings were digitally processed towards...
  • Eccentric Spaces -
    ...Stereoscopic Video Installation
  • Discontinuities -
    ..."Discontinuities" is a live video mapping installation made with discontinuities equations of geometric iterative patterns .
  • ... object is made out of a ball-shaped helmet with a helium balloon attached to it. The captive balloon wears a little wireless video camera with a wide angle which is directed vertically down. Its picture is projected to a pair of video glasses through a...
  • M2 video
    ... nexus of information, control and surveillance. The visitors can observe the operation of the computer controlled sound and video appratuses, revealed by the presence of performer/operators interfaced to this equipment as well as confront both live and tape...
  • Générique d’une série sur la création vidéo. La machine à produire de l’image, entre négation et extension de l’humaine condition.
  • ... 24 – SEPTEMBER 13, 2018 OPENING RECEPTION: THURSDAY, MAY 24, 6-8 PM, ARTIST TALK 6:30 PM Site-specific distributed poem with video and audio component inspired by architectural details, heating and lighting systems, and emergency signs of UMass Dartmouth Star...
  • ... captured over a period of one week. This footage was segmented and converted into a large database containing over 20,000 video clips. Each clip was then tagged with descriptors-or metadata-defining its properties. The information encoded includes the...
  • Pro
    ...Pro is a video installation that reveals the simulated virtual environments within the structure of 2 curved while walls. Relating to the vertical framing motif of Chinese traditional landscape painting, Pro invites the viewer into a familiar but also un-known space of...