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  • ...Landslide, New Media Installation, variable size Custom software, sandbox, pc, projector Landslide consists of a sandbox and a real-time...
  • SoleNoid
    ... wires and air hoses. This allows each shoe to move in a variety of ways: toe tap, heal tap, stamp, shuffle, leather slap,...
  • ... which is only created through the movement of its viewer and varies its shape reflecting the individual’s action in the...
  • ... society. Even today we (unknowingly) meet a variety of bots in our day-to-day life. They chart our activities and...
  • ... of the piece, such as the extremely fast frame rates and variable bit depths, challenge and exploration into the perceptual...
  • Seeking the common denominator of all contemporary artworks, in spite of their spectacular diversity, the artist found that it should be the very perfume of the art gallery, freshly repainted, before the exhibition opening. White Cube is first an
  • ... .:DATA FIELDS:. The data fields are collected from a variety of sources that range spatially from very distant celestial to...
    ... of bodily particles. The bodily tissue is mediated in a variety of observation ratios: from stylised visible body parts...
  • ... dimensional form by filters’ data extraction produces four variations of the same. Such alteration of the same motif expresses the...
  • ...Laser-cut and digital print on plexiglass, projected light variable dimensions Photosensitive images are based on microscopic images of the...