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  • CICOV is an innovative center of a multidimensional and interdisciplinary character in which culture, history, architecture, communication and high technology are integrated into a common objective. Cordoba, past, present and future. Cordoba and
  • KALI -The Goddess of the MillenniumArtist: F.A.B.R.I.CATORSComment:
  • ... in the CAVE (VR-application) expands one Maxi-Page of the ongoing Multi-Mega-Book...
  • Pinocchio Interactive is a dynamic installation which integrates: robotic, animation, digital fantasy and interactivity. It is a ludicrous experience which is filled with surprises, tricks and wizards of the life of pinocchio in the version 2000.
  • This interactive installation integrates virtual reality, robotics and telepresence with a high aesthetical content as well as an suggestive and enigmatic interaction. The Real ambience represented by a physical structure under the form of an Arena.
  • ... screen. Freedom of exploration is one of the major characteristic of Tunnel sous...
  • "Vectorial Elevation" was an interactive art project which allowed thousands of people from 89 countries to control 18 robotic searchlights with 126,000 watts of power and link Cyberspace with Mexico’s most emblematic urban landscape. Mexico City’s
  • Relational Architecture 3 RE:Positioning Fear was the third relational architecture project. A large scale installation on the Landeszeughaus military arsenal with a “teleabsence” interface of projected shadows of passers-by. Using tracking
  • Morphogenesis -
    ... it consists out of two coupled systems. one system exists in real space, visitors interact...
  • Beyond Hierarchy -
    Upon entering the former Verwaltungshalle in the administration center of the Zeche Zollern II, a historical sweep through the lives of six workers from the Ruhr region can be experienced. Embedded inside the architectural frieze of the high atrium