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  • Dust
    ... them into patterns of abstract light in motion, with form and beauty all its own.
  • ...In the search for new forms of urbanity the influence of media technologies on the perception of and on the engagement with social constructed...
  • Crack it !
    ...connective force attack: open way to public How to crack it!' was the information and encouragement the computer magazine PC Online...
  • ... data bodies from the many personal traces we leave when using forms of digital communication. In this installation, visitors can...
  • ... which allows on a playful level experiental approaches to new forms of global teleworking. This work requires from teleworkers a...
  • ... We had subscribed to the RSS channel (Rich Site Summary File Format) of the daily edition of the Süddeutsche Zeitung, which...
  • ... 8-10 glass amphorae hang from the ceiling of the room. Their form reminds to old Greek or Egyptian transport vessels. They are...
  • Nano -
    ... Vesna and nanoscience pioneer James Gimzewski-are at the forefront of the intersection of art and science. Their groundbreaking...
  • ... the 16-bit-recording quality is the selection criterion for the sound selection of turing tuning. This results in a...
  • Cross Currents -
    ... URBANO) and Motel Vilina Vlas (Sprengel Museum, Hanover, 1996) forming the second and third parts respectively. Like its...