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  • Emotion Ringtones -
    ...oks like a beverage vending machine, where users can select a range of emotions, shaped as dynamic cards, updated in real-time with web data. Users select three from a list of nine emotions, such as “fear”, “joy” or “ecstasy”, and validate their choices. The machine,...
  • Flight Patterns -
    ...Aaron Koblin is an artist specialising in data visualisation. Koblin’s work has been shown at international festivals including Ars Electronica, SIGGRAPH, OFFF, the Japan Media Arts Festival and TED. He received the National Science Foundation’s first place award for...
    ... the artists have decided to pipe this twenty four hour internet service into the gallery via a touchscreen console and Data projection. As such, the economy of the news is blurred ever more towards venerability and entertainment -forcing us to question...
  • Phoxel Space -
    ...Phoxel-Space is an interface to enable the exploration of voxel data through the use of physical models and materials. Our goal is to improve the means to intuitively navigate and understand complex 3-dimensional datasets. The system works by allowing the user to...
  • Transcendence Index -
    ... – a robotic device which cooks 2 borschts (borscht is a Russian soup based on beetroot) basing their recipes upon the data obtained after the analysis of the texts. Stages of the Installation Functioning: 1. Texts written and published from 1900 to 1917...
  • Mori -
    ... center of the resonating enclosure, where a portal through the floor frames the installation`s focal point. The live seismic data stream drives an embedded visual display and immersive low-frequency sounds, which echo the unpredictable fluctuations of the...
  • ... be used or misused. Our daily life is registered in many ways and we almost never think of it. Our lives are transformed to data in different digital worlds, data that creates basis for changes.When Hagdahl uses Internet the discussion is widen. The...
  • gameboy_ultraf_uk -
    ... or appear as fragments of the games binary code. Text begins to emerge as a jumble of characters, sprites and binary data. Scanline bytes are miscopied, transformed and duplicated. Memory is blitted into sections of the screen, as the inside of...
  • Time Value -
    ... by each of the clocks flow rate proportional to the time worked by a person for 1 euro. The clock also displays real-time data to calculate the value of time: the duration of life, number of hours worked in the year, security index... The installation...
  • ... 2016 residency. During the residency, Sandor and (art)n in collaboration with Fermilab scientists translated research data on neutrinos into the visual artworks at the intersection of art and science. Neutrinos are elementary particles which emerge...