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  • ... understanding of multi-dimensional spaces is as necessary a skill as reading is for the grasp of literature. Each layer of connection of this abstract virtuality may have a dimension perpendicular to the one you may currently occupy, leading to exploration...
  • Feeding Consciousness -
    ... Harris and is his visual commentary on the chaotic system of public discourse perpetuated today by our modern decentralised connector of cultures: the artwork is fed with the freshest trending stories supplied by the internet. Just as the biblical tower of...
  • ... hundreds of millions of TEU (Twenty-foot Equivalent Units) of goods are shipped around the world via a network of routes connecting major and minor ports. The ease with which these materials move across borders belies the harsh restrictions on the...
  • ...Turnstile I connected a New York City Subway turnstile in Times Square to an identical turnstile placed in the gallery space. When a person passed through the turnstile in Times Square the arm of the turnstile in the gallery would turn in the appropriate direction. A...
  • ...ScanLink can be described as walking the web backwards. The underlying topology of connectedness, such as popularity and power distribution, is shown through a reverse traversal of links for any given web page. Using ScanLink the user can select a web site and get a...
  • ... a living digital wallpaper. Netomatheque was first presented at the San Francisco Art Institute as part of the "Telematic Connections: The Virtual Embrace." A travelling exhibition presented by Independent Curators International (ICI) & curated by Steve...
  • Mobile Unit - video
    ... is to provide a fully-fledged networked multimedia environment, which can be set up in any space without a direct Internet connection. This environment should enable people to display, edit and broadcast broadband multimedia information. It should be...
  • ...BIRLINGHOVEN CASTLE AI: IMAGE SYNTHESIS WITH CONNECTION MACHINE CM-5 In the early 1990s, AI image generation was an exciting field. At the GMD - National Research Center for Information Technology, we used the Thinking Machines’ CM-5, a parallel computer, for...
  • ... on integrating on-line and on-site participation as an extension of the common conference format towards new models for connecting people or communities. A group of invited experts is integrated into the discussion on-site as Internet participants...
  • ... tabletop and the combined vertical floor-to-ceiling 3D projection of the virtual cityscape are haptically and visually connected to the movement on the map in real time. It provides both overview and insight. The interactive table turned out to be a...