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  • ... help of a camera motion-capture system, these beams follow...
    ... of a pair poles,applox 50 cm long, representing...
  • Heartbeats -
    ... Every balloon is capable of reveal each one's...
  • ... to decode from DNA - appeared over a background image...
  • Televised Distance #2 -
    ...Even though we have the capability to communicate over long...
  • Sensitive Painting -
    ... a sound flux that appears to be produced by the...
  • Televised Distance #1 -
    ...Even though we have the capability to communicate over long...
  • Aurora di Venere -
    ... the dancers or escape from they. The story grows in... the digital beings dance approaching the dancers or escape...
  • Vid-A-Feeba - is a play with a chaotic process applied to the generation of...
  • Boids
    ... of simulation used to capture the global behavior of a... static objects. For applications in computer...