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  • Heaven -
    ... (Dominican Cathedral) in Osnabruck, 18 metres above the heads of the viewers. The work uses remote visual sensing techniques to track the viewers position in the space. Each viewer was allocated an angel (or demon, depending on location) which...
  • The Meadow -
    ... new mythologies and realities may be imagined. This space is particularly appropriate to artists working with new electronic technologies to bridge the gap between science and fiction. Stepping into the installation space, the viewer is surrounded by...
  • Playhouse
    ... Cardiff and Miller’s use of binaural sound is crucial to splitting open the flat space of the screen. Through this recording technique, sound extrudes out of the filmic space and has a volume, architecture, and location almost indistinguishable from our real...
  • Solitary -
    ... and stroboscopic visual effects to immerse the viewer in a disorienting environment. The work uses remote visual sensing techniques to track the viewer. If the viewers' remain static then they see nothing, are left in total darkness, but as soon as they...
  • ... are just as surely drawn to games of risk and chance. Reconciling spirituality with our apparently reckless attitude towards technology becomes less problematic when we acknowledge that they are opposite sides of the same coin. Playing the odds and betting...
  • ...The six video segments in Jordan Crandall's installation Heatseeking were shot with a diverse array of technologies, including surveillance apparatuses used by the U.S. Border Patrol to search out and capture illegal immigrants crossing over from Mexico, then...
  • ... in postmodern culture. In this mediawork individualism and narcissism are revealed as inextricably linked to new electronic technologies and capitalist consumerism. The interface for this installation is a 1950's style vibrating belt massager...
  • Frames -
    ... images, a viewer gradually transforms young actors into 19th century madwomen. Frames suggests a bridge from the most recent technologies to the breakthrough technology of 150 years ago: black and white portrait photography. (source:...
  • Alchemy -
    ... homonculi, small human like creatures, in test tubes. The work is metaphorically addressing issues arising from contemporary technologies such as Genetics and Artificial Intelligence, casting these practices as not dissimilar to previous medieval...
  • A New Life -
    ... In addition it draws upon a number of works by the early Renaissance Italian painter Mantegna. Although involving advanced technology in the creation of A NEW LIFE the production techniques are not dissimilar to much traditional animation. The work may be...