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  • Corpocinema -
    The Corpocinema ('corporeal cinema') was an expanded cinema environment presented in a series of open-air performances in Rotterdam and Amsterdam in 1967. The basic structure was a large air-inflated transparent PVC dome onto which film
  • ... Electronica'99 - Cyberarts99, Vienna/New York: Springer Verlag, 1999,...
  • This work extends the tradition of panorama painting, photography and cinematography in the vector of simulation and virtual reality. The viewer can interactively rotate a projected image around a circular screen and so explore a virtual
  • FemCity -
    ... in organisations' at her university, and who is also a trained... had organised a conference in Vienna on information technology, where...
  • ... normal users.(2) Robert Gast and Alexander Mühlauer go even further by...
  • ... based on TCP/IP to communicate the virtual viewer position and...
  • Autoinducer_Ph-1 -
    ... of customised powered speaker units and home made electronics. ... - July 2008 Synth-Ethic, Vienna, Austria - May 2011 Translife,...
    ... scientist She teaches at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna... the University of Applied Arts in Vienna The article appeared in: fair •...
  • ... be accompanied by a light show. Alexander Wallace Rimington performed... Music and Acoustics at Stanford University and the Center for New Music...
  • Galapagos -
    ... way, and second, it provides a unique method for studying evolutionary...