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  • ... on which projects the worms and tree forms onto the walls and ceiling. The tubefex...
  • Cyber Squeeks -
    ... electronics integrated with life-like forms, have begun to squeak their first words; in...
  • the Flock -
    ... of a series of animals or artificial life forms that act as one creature. They are complex,...
  • small fish -
    ... Muench. The normal arrangement foresees musicians, instruments, and a score that...
  • ... and the aura that suggests an animate force or power.
  • ...Silvers Alter took the form of a large projection of 22 men and women. This population of people was...
  • Relazioni Emergenti -
    ... communication webs and the mechanisms of formation of "collective messages" and the new...
  • ... a gesure of moving a gyroscope sensor forward in front of a big disk, it starts rotating...
  • Delvaux's Dream -
    ... The work Bielicky has selected for his 3D computer graphics model is from a later...
  • ... between the cubes. All connected cubes form a simple data network, and depending on their...