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  • D/eu/s -
    ... close scrutiny the reader noticed that the letters formed the word "Deus" (God, in Portuguese). The spacing of the letters revealed...
  • Cyber Squeeks -
    ... with life-like forms, have begun to squeak their first words; in their language. Through multiple sensors and switches they...
  • ... of Simon Streather enunciates these bottomless pits put into words by Gerald Nestler, in whose lyrics the market as a being breeds...
  • Crack it !
    ... how and when a group succeeds in cracking a password. In other words, a brute force attack's chance of success is directly...
  • Cosmopolis
    ... of the central space. It displays key areas in the form of words, sounds, and video images. In various spots, it points out the...
  • Conversation -
    ... is never given, but instead must be construed by participants word-by-word, frame-by-frame.
  • conscious love -
    ... parts: Five curtains, representing consciousness, digital word-picture-prints on semi-transparent foil (with the titles: amour...
  • CodeZebra -
    ... video documentaries; dance performances and spoken word events at festival, clubs, cyber cafes; and responsive garments...
  • ... metaphor of dichotomy, implied by the dual meaning of the word reflection, since it can denote the optic phenomenon of light...
  • Can you see me now? -
    ... of the live audio feed from the streets of Rotterdam. The last words they hear are "Runner 1 has seen ....". With the advent of...