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  • Website MMM -
    The web site MMM is based on the work-in-progress (The) Bride Descending a Staircase, developed by Simone Michelin, in Porto Alegre, Rio de Janeiro (BR), Philadelphia and New York (US), from 1989 to 1999. The series had a latter version created for
  • handSCAPE -
    HandSCAPE is a vectorizing digital tape measure as an input device for digitizing field measurements, and visualizing the volume of the resulting vectors with computer graphics. Using embedded orientation-sensing hardware, HandSCAPE captures
  • Kidnap -
    In this sensational precursor to Big Brother, two volunteers were selected from a few hundred applicants and subsequently kidnapped for a period of 48 hours. Selected finalists were chosen at random and put under surveillance. Following this
  • janus -
    A site specific installation, a 12-foot construction made of three light sources suspended above reflective surfaces in turn suspended above a 24+-foot drop, Installed in a warehouse next to the Thames in News Cross Gate, Londoon. (source:
  • ScanLink can be described as walking the web backwards. The underlying topology of connectedness, such as popularity and power distribution, is shown through a reverse traversal of links for any given web page. Using ScanLink the user can select a
  • NETZSPANNUNG.ORG : MEDIA ART ARCHIVE PLATFORM 1997- 2001 / 2012 is an online archive platform for the collection and promotion of media art. Beyond the archive, programs such as streaming tele-lectures by media scholars, media art
  • Perhaps -
    This is the first poem written specifically for Internet 2. The poem is a world with 24 avatars, each a different word. Each reader, in order to read the poem, must establish his or her own presence in this textworld through a verbal avatar. As
  • Life Spacies - video
    "Life Spacies" is an interaction and communication space, where remotely located visitors can interact with each other through evolutionary forms and images. "Life Spacies" enables visitors to integrate themselves into a 3 dimensional complex
  • The Tables Turned is preceded by Telematic Dreaming from 1992 and Telematic Vision from 1993. This installation is a continuation of the telematic theme placed within another social context. Dreaming used the bed, Vision used the sofa and The Tables
  • Relational Architecture 3 RE:Positioning Fear was the third relational architecture project. A large scale installation on the Landeszeughaus military arsenal with a “teleabsence” interface of projected shadows of passers-by. Using tracking