Archive Search

  • ... is entered into the command line of a Unix system...
  • Timeline
    ... of images found on the web which resonated with the...
  • ...lant guilds is an artistic study on the possibility to visualize a...
  • ... gallery' in which the user can explore a computer... and four buttons labelled 'faith', 'hope',...
  • Advent -
    ...vent is an interactive journey into the 25 days preceding the birth...
  • ... whim are not met by the often mundane experience of,...
  • Heliotrope -
    ... and animations in which the user interacts to control the...
  • ... is a meditation on how the media presents world events....
  • The Unemployed -
    ... unemployment, depicting the jobless as animated figures...
  • The ToyBox -
    ... of Video Positive 95. The piece was an anthology of... also facilitated and collaborated on a number of the...