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  • ... animation is approximately one minute long. Every animation starts with a photo as a still image. There is no movement. Then slow...
  • Sculptures -
    For us humans, who are limited in time and space, time is a one-dimensional affair. We can move only along one axis we define in co-ordinates of "past-present-future". (In this definition, "present" is the origin of our co-ordinate system, "past"
  • ... to the 2011 Istanbul Biennial. "Not There" is an exhibition of artworks from the Manifest.AR Venice Biennial 2011 AR Intervention...
  • Landscape -
    This 3-D computer animation originally was designed to an opera-piece. The main question of the opera was how we perceive time. The animation is about a small German village in a rainy day, and visualizes the miraculous moment when all of a sudden
  • Monolith
    “Monolith” deals with the complexities of fear as a contemporary social phenomenon. By letting the viewer experience fear, the installation offers critical insights into the effect of cultural conditioning in contemporary society. Furthermore, it
  • Landing fields
  • ... this optical display as a fusion point of scientific and artistic explorations.
  • ... body leaving only my avatar soul to meander aimlessly in the networks of the virtual forever. Riot and in another wearing arabic robes. That I am a radical artists with anarchistic tendencies who has worked in Egypt with many...
  • Duende Diagram -
    ...A cartographic map of the different flows that constitute my theories of a becoming cultured brain. More specifically how noise and...
  • ... of these events by the performers and talks about the power of artists to create alternative interpretations to historical events...