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  • ... as a metaphor for a prediction machine....
  • ... live and virtual performers, encountered via the...
  • ... the way technology forges illusions. The slide...
  • ... and triggers for the augmented reality...
  • The Messive -
    ... Bible as a message for our descendants.
  • Re-Lighting -
    About 300 km above the Earth (the orbital altitude of the International Space Station), the planet's surface occupies an important place. During the day you can see the continents, at night - the lights of the cities. From further distance, the
  • Inland Wonderland -
    Our universe obeys to the logic of four interactions - gravitational, electromagnetic, strong, weak - affecting it (not counting the Higgs field). Chaos on the other hand is only produced by human activity and our heads are the omnipotent producers
  • ... animation. The information entering the camera...
  • MicroCosm -
    A journey into the cosmos, into open endless space, has always attracted scientists and dreamers. Gigantic stars, the milky way, galaxies thousands of light years away surround the earth, and we humans can be imagined as small elementary particles
  • Inertia
    Inertia, 2010-11 | Music Henry Vega | Dance Géraldine Fournier | [Materials] Projectors, Computers, Media Player. Dimensions: 5m x 5m x 2.0m Utilizing the cut-up technique, a methodology commonly associated with the aleatory literary technique in