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  • (co-production with Cactusbloem, Antwerp, and PVC Theatre, Novi Sad)
  • Klanica 5 - video
    (co-production with Amsterdam Cyber Theatre and Academica, Belgrade)
  • ..."Thinking about gesture in art, people usually refer to choreography. If the topic is related to IT, instead, usability becomes the issue. But,...
  • This forkbomb is a kind of poetic virus. If its visually attractive line of only thirteen characters is entered into the command line of a Unix system and the enter key is pressed, within seconds the computer will crash because the devious little
  • Timeline
    ... and re-combinations of image and text, thus becoming a metaphor for the way in which memory works, playing and replaying the... Timeline (2004) started out as a poem about getting old, for which I collected a small database of images found on the web which resonated with...
  • ...Plant guilds is an artistic study on the possibility to visualize a design principle in Permaculture: that of considering inter-relations...
  • ... in which the computer is housed. It is also possible to depart this space and enter into a number of fantasy spaces, arriving...
  • Advent -
    ... the strangeness inherent in a close examination of urban artifacts. Showing a sequence of details of the architecture,...
  • ... a short poem based on the attributes associated with a particular day. All the poems have been constructed to be read...
  • Heliotrope -
    ...Heliotrope is an artwork made using computer manipulated images and animations in which the user interacts to control the sequence of events....