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  • Falling Girl is an immersive interactive narrative installation that allows the viewer to participate in the story of a young girl falling from a skyscraper. During her miraculously slow descent, the girl reacts to the people and events in each
  • digital scenography and sound maps for theater play
  • ... (curved lines) were made between the paradigms that shared common members, then treated as rubber bands, holding similar...
  • MELT -
    Melt is a kinetic surface designed to undergo distortions in function of the weight, position and actions of the visitors. Melt consists of 50 nautical aluminum polished plates, aligned with and connected to one-another by a system of linear
  • ... effect. Walking to one of the corners, the result is a composite of two of these four movements. 3o is an angle that, when...
  • FLOOR | PISO -
    FLOOR is an interactive interface designed to transfer data of strength and movement in the human-human relation and the human-space time relation. The mode of agencying the FlOOR interface is very simple: you step on one of the two ends of the
  • ... of the page layout where it's quite easy to make sensible comparisons between the nations placed side-by-side. This...
    Imagine an optical device with a sensory field of 8 meters to 60 centimeters. Fixed to the wall, this mirror is programmed to constantly measure and react to your distance from it. At 8 meters it will be convex, at 60 centimeters it will be concave
  • SOLAR -
    Imagine entering a machine, supplying the co-ordinates of a city and a specific moment in time and as a response you receive the direction, the intensity and the sensation of heat and light that the sun radiated in that time-space. Solar is a
  • Shadows in the Rain -
    A unique digital painting on plexiglass, 40" x 40"