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  • ... by modem through a conventional telephone line. Facing large video screens, the two distant players each shared the same virtual image space. While manipulating their own graphic elements each person was at the same time seeing on the screen in front of...
  • Landscape -
    ... frozen in the air, generating an organic, 3 dimensional grid of the space. The only living element in the animation is the virtual camera, which one moves through the village.
  • Hand Held -
    ... empty space which reveals its contents as you explore it with your hands. Today, we regularly use our hands to navigate virtual commercial, social, political and information spaces and relationships using touchscreens, mice and keyboards. Hands, which...
  • Virtual Reality Installation with HMD EyePhone and DataGlove. Developed at ART+COM, Berlin, Germany.
  • ...HOME OF THE BRAIN (1990-91) - PHILOSOPHICAL DIALOGUES IN VIRTUAL SPACE Created between 1989 and 1991, HOME OF THE BRAIN by Monika Fleischmann and Wolfgang Strauss is considered to be one of the first pieces of Virtual Reality in the world to make use of a data glove...
  • Compass -
    ...Compass is a kind of orientation machine to wear around your waist that gives you directions while you are walking through virtual corridors and rooms. These have been programmed to fit the physical exhibition space or any other venue. The machine creates a feeling of...
  • A 442 Hz. - video
    ... into an array of sound deliberations. Since the 2011 Egyptian revolution the interrelation of art in public, primarily in virtual spaces, and politics has created a new paradigm of digitally enhanced artistic agencies. Media technologies, mobile media in...
  • ... questions on how individuals influences and are influenced by the society. His pieces investigate the relation between the virtual digital world and the physical "real" world. In pieces like Under Influence/Trabsformation and Transformation model 7 the...
  • ... make the distinction between that which is real and that which is not, the convergence and blurring of the real and the virtual, the loss of self in the absence of reality. [prototype installation] (source:...
  • Last Supper -
    ...This virtual aplication is a powerful tool to understand the relationship between the real architecture of the refettorio and the painted architecture by Leonardo. Approaching the Ultima Cena you can visit the painting in its particulars and discover t he beau ty and...