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  • In this work the movement of a large video monitor mounted on an industrial fork-lift truck creates a virtual representation of a larger than life size ballerina. As the forklift moves the monitor up and down the ballerina is presented from head to
  • EVE is a research and development project initiated at the ZKM Karlsruhe in cooperation with the Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe. It encompasses the conceptual and technical development of a new form of interactive immersive visualisation environment
  • During Imagina '93 computer graphics installations in Monte Carlo and in Karlsruhe were connected by modem through a conventional telephone line. Facing large video screens, the two distant players each shared the same virtual image space.
  • Golden Calf - video
    This work is constituted by a white pedestal on which there stands an LCD colour monitor connected to computing machinery by a cable running through the pedestal. The viewer of this work picks up and holds this monitor in his hands. The screen shows
  • This work extends the tradition of panorama painting, photography and cinematography in the vector of simulation and virtual reality. The viewer can interactively rotate a projected image around a circular screen and so explore a virtual
  • These are reconfigurations of the original work conFIGURING the CAVE (1997) that for reasons of economy use simplified projection and interface technologies. Instead of the four screen environment, only one wall screen, or combination floor and
  • Alembic
    "Linking art, science, spirituality and technology, this interactive installation is the product of the artist's exploration of virtual reality as a sculptural medium, and is centered upon a floor based projection of computer generated 3D
  • In the virtual-reality "Inherent Rights, Vision Rights" the participant explores a sacred ceremony in a traditional West Coast Native Canadian long house. The long house is occupied by music, fire and spirits, which the participant can interact
  • Apparitions -
    Artists' Statement Apparitions is both a physical installation at the UCSD University Art Gallery, and a computer generated virtual environment. It is the result of a collaboration between a group of artists and programmers working under the
  • "Global Interior Project" is an experimental art work using digital networking technology for realizing Networked Multi-User Virtual Environment which enables to share one virtual space with several people from different terminals. People can