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  • Heartbeats -
    ..."Heartbeats" is an interactive art performance and/or street exhibition which meant to reveal one's personal rhythm -heartbeat- to the public in collective way. It consists of some sets of balloons which has light in it and sensor to detect handler's...
  • E[Y]GG[E] - video
    ...E[Y]GG[E] is an interactive Net Art / E-Poetry piece created in Flash in the year 2000. It is a meditation about time and space on the Net and elsewhere. Exhibited i.e.: AJAC 2000 Art Show, Metropolitan Art Museum Tokyo, Japan, 2000; Faculty Exhibition+, Starla...
    ...The DEFENDEX-ESPGX is an interactive art object that combines real-time audio and video synthesis processing with physical interaction. The DEFENDEX-ESPGX is designed to simulate the look and feel of 1950's technology. The content draws on nostalgic reference to bring...
  • ...Mirror Cells is an interactive installation that turns around our perception of space and time. The gamers as well as the visitors are immersed inside an infinitely mirrored acousmatic-visual 3d-world. The phenomenon of the so-called mirror neurons has been the...
  • ...SphèrAléas Tridimensional interactive / sound / image installation SphèrAléas is made of a half-spherical structure and of an evolutionary device wich makes man, image and sound interact thanks to digital tools. SphèrAléas is ideal for collective performances. It's a...
  • ... & Anaïs met den Ancxt) in collaboration with Lola and Yukao Meet (Lola Ajima & Yukao Nagemi) La maison sensible is an interactive installation that augments the physical space and the relationship between an onlooker and a fragile and subtle...
  • ...Peter Weibel is considered to be one of the poineers of interactive, computerbased installations. In this work from the early nineties, the participants are being filmed upon entering a room. They see "their" film on a large screen while there is a little coordinate...
  • Pulse Tank -
    ...Pulse Tank is an Interactive installation where the heart rates of members of the public are detected by sensors and converted into water waves in a ripple tank. A light show is created by the resulting waves and their interaction. To participate, insert your finger...
  • ...Augmented Reality public art project, 4-channel video installation and interactive online map. Tamiko Thiel augments the neighborhood of Lehel in Munich with visions, texts, maps, the dreams of local residents and scientific findings. The monumental video installation...
  • ...This interactive installation generates traces of two participants' eye tracking. The participants experience an almost "haptic" kind of communication based on their own visualized eye tracking. In this process, their organic eye trace construct that could be...