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  • Breathless
    ...Installation consists of three light objects. Two of them are connected to the RSS [web] feed via computers, and the third, with the aid of the anemomenter provides wind, temperature, noise of street (environment). Computer searches for all words, related to the...
  • ... Mensbeeld, in 2004, in Simply Complex at the Design Museum in Zurich in 2005, in Neuroculture, at the Westport Art Centre, Connecticut, USA in 2006, in Brain Waves, Exit Art, New York, USA, 2008, in ‘Landscapes Of The Mind’, Williams College Museum Of Art,...
  • Global Direct -
    ... system, which improves thorough collaborative efforts within an open and transparent process. Today, global networked connectivity has enabled new forms of autonomous participatory societal organization. However, there is still a lack of prototypes...
  • Tree of Knowledge -
    ... a representation of the delicate structure, maintaining the dynamic nature of a neuron: always changing, establishing new connections, eliminating old ones, growing, living. It is important to note that this strategy is not an attempt to represent reality...
  • ... In return, a hidden computer analyses data and plays the melody generated with the movements of the lights. Each flower connected to distinct onorities enables it to generate a complex acousmatic universe.
  • MELT -
    ... of the weight, position and actions of the visitors. Melt consists of 50 nautical aluminum polished plates, aligned with and connected to one-another by a system of linear bearings. Each plate is 3 meters wide, by 1.50 meter long by 4 millimeters thick. All...
  • ... masks and generating anamorphically distorted images on the individual triangles. The content of the projection is connected with the movement of the triangles. For instance computationally generated lines flow across the moving triangles as if...
  • ... + “helter-skelter“) is a crowd sourced, wild growth forest-to-rainforest propagator that creates a city-wide public artwork by connecting participants’ interior biorhythms to exterior urban ecosystems.
  • ...The Connection Machine was the first commercial computer designed expressly to work on simulating intelligence and life. A massively parallel supercomputer with 65,536 processors, it was the brainchild of Danny Hillis, conceived while he was a graduate student under...
  • ... it. The process of observing this translation and translocation of respiratory activity may prompt the sender to consider the connection between one’s person and the air it exchanges, and, more broadly, the existence of any self independent of the air...