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  • March -
    ... designed specifically for the project by architect James Cathcart. Where and how viewers walk on this ramp determines the flow of... Gulf War Victory Parade in Manhattan, Renaissance paintings, a performance by a professional cantor, and an interview with war,...
  • ... are bound to be ill-fitting, as if desire were laid out in carefully squared off and neatly mown lawns. But it spills over,... Radio and Jeanette Vuocolo of the Whitney Phillip Morris Performance series. Entitled "Performing Bodies and Smart Machines"....
  • Dinosaurus -
    ... ongoing work with virtual reality technology. Director Patrick Carriere, Bemidji, MN, graduate student, and Mark Reaney professor of... their human alter-egos moved in unison. Prior to public performance, Dinosaurus was performed for the children in grades one,...
  • ... that dynamically links output consisting of pre-recorded performance/dance images (video) and sound. These have been...
  • ...Duke Performances, Durham, 2018 - world premiere A bold new opera developed at Duke University that uses the high-drama framework of opera and...
  • ... one hundred panoramic photographs and ten documentary video performances. The stereoscopic panoramic images include photos of...
  • ... warfare.The form of this edifice was a stepped pyramid that carried the following signs (from top to bottom): BE PERMAMENT TO... journey through this work, which constituted its real time performance. The shifting of the sound tracks generated a spontaneous...
  • ...A virtual reality murder mystery - part movie, part performance - was created at The Banff Centre for the Arts in Canada, in collaboration with...
  • ... Daniel Senise, Eduardo Kac, Beatriz Milhazes, Jorge Guinle, Ricardo Basbaum, Frida Baranek, and Leonilson. While most of the... To enhance his performances, presented between 1980 and 1982 in Rio de Janeiro and in other Brazilian states, Kac started to produce visual...
  • Interfaces -
    ... and another group in the Center For Creative Inquiry, at the Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh. This piece dynamically... faces were created in the virtual space of the screen as the performance progressed. It took approximately eight seconds to form...