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  • ... digestive system. The possibility of visualizing change has continued to fascinate Hagdahl and today he uses new technology in his work on these issues. In a series of works he has developed computer-programmes that monitor different phenomena and...
  • ...sexBot is an exploration into the nature of technologically mediated encounters. It seems the more alienating a communication technology; the more its users are able to project their own erotic fantasies onto their experience. Using voice recognition and synthesis...
  • ... of projections behind the dancer displays those objects. This project explores the mediation of inner and outer vision via technology using algorithmic liquid architecture, and navigable music to construct an open-ended series of interconnected worlds....
  • As Falling Falls -
    ... interactive, with the audience and with each other. The piece uses object oriented and behavioural programming techniques. The work also incorporates a large scale interactive sound space composed and designed by Stuart Jones. The sound is...
  • Presence -
    ... down shadow, whilst another is composed of a giant talking mouth. The piece uses object oriented and behavioural programming techniques. Exhibited as part of Art Machine II at the Maclellan Galleries, Glasgow, Scotland(source:
  • TXTmob -
    ... is currently coordinating a major software upgrade. If you wish to help with development or are interested in adapting our technology for your organization or event, please email us at "info at txtmob dot com". (source:
  • Smart Tools -
    ... information, and could not be readily put to use in a real environment that changes dynamically. SmartTool is a new technology of haptization composed of real-time sensing devices and a haptic display. The sensor receives stimuli that change...
  • Angels -
    ...The work uses remote visual sensing techniques to track the viewer. The position of the viewer in front of the image controls the activity of the figures across the bottom of the screens. The viewers actions also control their ability to talk, as synthetic grammars are...
  • Shadows -
    ...The work uses remote visual sensing techniques to track the viewer. The position of the viewer in front of the image controls the activity of the figures across the bottom of the screens. The figures are all independently interactive, and are programmed with...
  • The Library -
    ... of a building selected for its' architectural and cultural significance. This presented challenging conceptual and technical obstacles. Numerous Digital Library initiatives have largely neglected the humanities and 'soft' sciences....